Mustard, Cheese and Sausage Quiche

Ted Ruegsegger, 12 June 2010


At our house we're fond of quiche, though we don't worry about formality or "correctness". We throw in what's handy and tasty and long ago dispensed with the crust. If you want the authoritative quiche Lorraine, there are plenty of places to find it, but this isn't one.

This is simply a cheesy egg custard with flavorful goodies scattered throughout. Feel free to improvise with different meats like ham or bacon or no meat at all, different cheeses like cheddar or feta, or different vegetables/greens like spinach or broccoli. The ingredients listed here simply document the way we made it on a single occasion, while experimenting with uses for a wild mustard that had taken over the garden.



  1. In a wide glass or ceramic baking dish, lightly beat the eggs until a uniform consistency.
  2. Stir in the milk and the cheese.
  3. In a skillet, melt the butter and toss in the onion, mushrooms and peppers, stirring or tossing so it all caramelizes evenly.
  4. Chopped mustard added to sautéed garlic, onions, mushrooms, peppers.When the sautéed items are mostly done, add the mustard greens.
  5. Sautéed garlic, onions, mushrooms, peppers, mustard.Stir until the greens are nicely wilted.
  6. Sautéed garlic, onions, mushrooms, peppers, mustard added to egg and cheese base.Stir the sautéed garlic, onions, mushrooms, peppers and mustard into the egg and cheese custard base.
  7. A sliced sausage added to the quiche.Slice the sausage and scatter the slices over the top.
  8. The quiche ready to serve.Bake at 400°F half an hour. Check for doneness by jiggling the dish to see whether the center is still fluid. If it's not done, bake some more. Better err on the side of overbaking than underbaking. When done, take it out and admire it.
  9. Mustard, cheese and sausage quiche with bread fresh from the oven, a dish to gladden any heart.Serve fresh from the oven. We throw a couple of baguettes in the hot oven for the last few minutes.


Serves four generously, more depending what else you serve.

It's great the next day, either cold or reheated. Like any custard it can get a little watery but still tastes fine.

Contacting the Author

Theodore B. Ruegsegger [FSF Associate Member]